Thursday, April 12, 2007

Some home remedies for Acne with lasting effects

a) Sandalwood powder- Add a few drops of water to half a tablespoon of the powder. Apply all over the face. Avoid eye area. Let dry. Rinse. This fights acne and blemishes.

b) Almond meal and lemon rind- Make a facial scrub with 2 tablespoon almond meal, 1 tablespoon ground lemon rind and 3-4 tablespoon milk. Gently scrub your face and get rid of excess oil.

c) Clay mask- Mix 2 tablespoons of green clay with 2 drops of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 2 drops of lavender oil. Make a paste with water. Apply all over the face. Avoid eye area. Let dry. Rinse. Clay mask gives maximum benefit to the oily skin for it’s deep cleansing properties.

d) Cedarwood and sandalwood oil- Mix 2-3 drops of these two oils and gently massage over the face area. The combination of these two oils has a soothing effect, is an excellent skin conditioner for oily skin and treats acne and eczema.

e) Face mask- Take the white part from an egg. With it, mix 2 tablespoon clay/kaolin, 1 tablespoon oats, 1 tablespoon cornflower and enough rose water to make a paste. Add lavender oil and/or juniper berry oil. Mix well. Apply all over the face. Avoid eye area. Let dry. Rinse. Enjoy your soft, oil-free skin.

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